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Saturday, April 3, 2010

- the first blog in 2010-

now only i realize that i hasn't update my blog for months. Hell, what have i done for the past few months? Looking back the days, I was happy because i has a great family, great friends, and great life.

Now, I am in the final phase of my 'caterpillar' life, after this phase, I gonna evolute into a new phase of my life, I will be a butterfly. Exploring a new world( anyway, I thought there is only a world which has no new or old). So, I has to wish myself best of luck in facing the new challenges in life.

But, I think I had seen some ugly faces of the world. Those ugly faces are hurting. Yes, they did. Irresponsibility, blaming another, selfishness, deceiving one another, misusing and etc etc... Yes, the world is not perfect, but human beings, please don't show ur ugly faces to ur family, relatives and friends. I wouldn't care if someone deceive me is a stranger, but it's really hurting when the someone is one close to u.

Life is about experiencing the sweets, spices, sours, bitters. So, I shall take whatever I've met in the past, I'm meeting now, or I will meet in the future as an challenge and lesson which is given to me to strengthen me, myself.

Monday, November 30, 2009


先求有,再求好。 人生会因此而更开心~

Friday, November 13, 2009



Wednesday, October 28, 2009

1 Malaysia 2 Perak

As Perakian, I don't know whether we should be happy or not. When you looking around the world, you will hardly find a state with two governments, but this is what we have in Perak, two governments. We have two Menteri Besar, two sets of Exco members, two speakers. How lucky we are. A little state governed by two governments. One elected by the people, one formed by the robbers.

Since the day of the hopping frogs incident, Perak is full of uncertainties. One thing we can be sure of is our state is no longer a democracy state because it's under the control of the government which is not elected by the people. Democracy ceased to exist in Perak. What is Constitutionalism? Ceased to exist in Perak. In Perak, the Constitution being neglected and rule of law has been let gone.

28.10.2009, in the State Assembly, two sitting was held. One by PR's State Assemblymen and another one by BN's State Assemblymen of course. Motions passed by them respectively. One word can be used to describe this, CHAOS.

The only way out from all these chaotic incidents is to dissolve the State Assembly, let the people vote again for the government they want. Can you hear the people's requests? If you did, please dissolve the State Assemblyman. Let's the representatives have a fair battle, please.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Refugees beaten at detention centre E-mail
Posted by Web Administrator   
Thursday, 22 October 2009 07:37am
Image © Malaysian Mirror (Used by permission)
KUALA LUMPUR – Human rights group Suara Rakyat Malaysia (Suaram) said it has received disturbing information that officers from the Sri Lankan Embassy had assaulted a group of refugees at the Pekan Nenas immigration detention centre in Johor.

In a statement here, Suaram coordinator Temme Lee said four representatives from the embassy arrived at the centre at about 11.30am Tuesday and forced a group of Sri Lankan refugees to sign agreements for repatriation.

He said the refugees at first refused and the embassy people started beating and kicking them until they signed the agreement.

Suaram has written to Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak and Immigration director-general Abdul Rahman Othman to express its outrage and condemnation over the treatment of the Sri Lankan refugees.

This is an article quoted from the Malaysian Bar Official website. Is Malaysia a country which upheld human rights? Why the refugees can be treated in that way? The acts done seriously infringed Universal Declaration of Human Rights. This era is a globalization era which one country cannot practise its own barbarian law which is not complied with the Public International Law. Yes, the binding force of Public International Law isn't that strong, but please do not forget the those are the universal principles which should be followed. 

I would like to urge the government look into this incident seriously. And I believe that this is not an isolated case in Malaysia. 

Thursday, September 24, 2009



 当我们的首相对外不停的说 ‘一个马来西亚’时,我们的第一个想法就是我们要如何去诠释着一个概念。一个个问号不停的出现在我们的脑海里,挥之不去,却又得不到一个全面的答案。一个马来西亚是众所皆知的,在地图上,就真的只有一个马来西亚。但我们尊贵的首相是想要带出一个怎样的概念呢?是真的如他所说的吗?一个马来西亚代表不分彼此,让所有马来西亚人共享一个国家,一个真正属于我们的国家吗?






所以,在上次的政治海啸,我们人民似呼 已经发出讯息,说我们经已厌倦了单一种族的政党,我们也厌倦了如此这般的政府,我们要改变。



Tuesday, September 22, 2009



当你在星洲日报上不小心掠过这样一个标题和一个句子时,千万别笑了,也别怀疑,也别愤怒。他说得可是真的呢千真万确,毫无隐瞒的啊! 我们尊贵的(连任)总警长日前向传媒发出了如此的一番肺腑之言,令人觉得是不是又在为补选进行宣传呢?是不是受到什么指示呢?大家可千万别误会,他说的可是字字珠玑呢。当大家仔细的欣赏,品味时,必能了解当中的玄机。

依法行事不偏袒,这句话我们普罗大众要怎么解读呢?容易嘛,依法的法所指的是国阵,巫统的法;而不是马来西亚的联邦宪法,更不是马来西亚国会所通过的法。 所以,依法行事不偏袒,我们人民是完全可以理解。应为绝对不可能偏袒民联的。

他也说,警方没针对民联。 这也对!因为基本上而言, 警方是针对所有对国阵,巫统不利的人士,根本就不止民联而已。警方要对付拉惹柏特拉, 要对付这个,要对付那个,每天上演,人民看得眼花缭乱。却从来,没有听过警方要对付真正发表煽动词语的仁兄们; 杀害从远方而来的那个弱女子的真凶。
